A Nation of Thugs: #10 Allen Iverson

NAME: Allen Iverson
OCCUPATION: NBA player, WannaBe Rapper Who Hates Homosexuals, Full Time Thug
REASON FOR THUGNESS: Supposedly grew up on the “Bad” side of Hampton, VA. While in high school, he was part of a very publicized brawl at the Armistead Bowling Lanes with some white people. He threw a chair during the melee, injuring one. Was sent to “Juvie.” As one of his last acts before leaving office, Thug Iverson was pardoned by Governor Doug Wilder (black.. no coincidence) so that TI could attend Georgetown under the tutelage of one of the most racists basketball coaches of all time: John Thompson. Left Georgetwon after his sophomore year and was a number one pick by the 76ers.
Amongst other things, TI 1) was caught speeding on I-95 south, where he was found to have multiple weapons and “illegal substances.” 2) Recorded a rap album, but it was never released due to his blasting of homosexuals. 3) Busted into an apartment with one of his “handlers”, brandishing a gun, threatening the person living in the apartment because TI suspected the person of sleeping with his wife.
It’s a damn shame that children look up to this clown who couldn’t speak a literate sentence if his contract depended on it. Congratulations, TI, for being named Quad’s #10 Thug in a Nation of Thugs.
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