E-Bone's Bills Upset the L-Quad Dudesters

The football gods have repaid me for talking so much shit the last few weeks. As predicted yesterday, perennial powerhouse E-Bone’s Bills knocked Quad out of the Fantasy Football playoffs with a nail biting two point win.
After steamrolling through the league, I talked more shit than Jake-O’s ass when he has the quails, even going so far as petitioning my boss to put a plaque up in the hallway denoting the yearly champions because I was so sure I would repeat.. I clinched a playoff spot after 9 weeks, and was guaranteed a first round bye until that bitch rex grossman decided to have a bad couple of weeks. So I went back to Michael vick at QB and what does he do? Decides for one game out of the year NOT to run, doesn’t throw a TD pass, throws an interception, and only gets me 5 MFing points after averaging almost 18 all year. What a time to decide to play human, bitch!
So I did what any good sportsman would do: I called the Bone first thing this morning and congratulated him. Here’s the conversation:
Bone: hello. This is boner
Quad: hey man. It’s quad. I just wanted to say………….
Bone, interrupting Quad in mid-sentence: DOWN GOES MACHO! DOWN GOES MACHO! Click.
That’s right, the Bone hung up on Quad. While on the phone, I could hear partying, music, chics, and Ebone singing
Weeeeeeeeee are the champions, of footballllllll!
Weeeeeeee beat the shit out offfffff the Quaddddddddddd!
Quaaaaaad is an assssssshole.
We are the champions
We are the championssssssssssssss.
Of the leagueeeeeeeeeee!
Can you believe that shit? Oh well, I just wanted to tell E-Bone congratulations and that I still love him!
Now, I think I’ll go drink and prepare for my 5th place game this week with the WartHogs.
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